UK Threatens to Pull out of European Convention on Human Rights

Like Churchill once said, “We (the United Kingdom) are with Europe but not of it”, and many years later the statement is proving to be increasingly so accurate as the UK and the EU disagree on numerous topics including austerity measures, budget cuts, etc. The latest disagreement has been on “how free a person is… Read More UK Threatens to Pull out of European Convention on Human Rights

What it means to be part of the LGBTI community in Turkey

The uprisings in Turkey have had many repercussions, but one of the most impressive and potentially long lasting effects it may achieve is the creation of a feeling of solidarity among the marginalized social and political groups. Through a common line of discontent, groups and individuals who never stood in solidarity with each other, and… Read More What it means to be part of the LGBTI community in Turkey

The illegal disposal of poisons in Campania (Italy). Revelations from the Casalesi clan’s treasurer.

(Unfortunately the video is in Italian! But we put it anyway for those of you who speak the language.) Carmine Schiavone, former treasurer of the Casalesi clan talks about the system of illegal disposal of poisons, including radioactive ones,  in Campania (Italy). “The poisoning began more than twenty years ago, now the situation is hopeless,… Read More The illegal disposal of poisons in Campania (Italy). Revelations from the Casalesi clan’s treasurer.